Settlements > Carian Settlements

Carian Settlements


Carian settlements were cities and towns located in the ancient region of Caria, situated along the southwestern coast of Anatolia (modern-day Turkey). Caria was inhabited by indigenous peoples before being influenced by Greek colonization and later becoming a part of the Persian and Hellenistic empires.

These settlements were integral to the history and culture of Caria, contributing to its prosperity, architectural heritage, and significance in the ancient Mediterranean world.

Here are some notable Carian settlements:

Halicarnassus (Halicarnassos): Halicarnassus was the capital and most prominent city of Caria. It was situated on the Aegean coast and was known for its impressive harbor, defensive walls, and monumental architecture. Halicarnassus was home to the Mausoleum of Mausolus, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, built by Artemisia II in honor of her husband Mausolus.

Knidos (Cnidus): Knidos was a significant ancient city located on the Datça Peninsula, at the southwestern tip of Caria. It was known for its strategic location, flourishing trade, and cultural achievements. Knidos was renowned for its sanctuary of Aphrodite, featuring a famous statue by the sculptor Praxiteles.

Alinda: Alinda was an ancient city located inland in Caria, near present-day Karpuzlu. It was known for its impressive acropolis and served as a strategic stronghold in the region. Alinda was mentioned by Herodotus as one of the cities that participated in the Ionian Revolt against Persian rule.

Myndus (Myndos): Myndus was an ancient city located on the western coast of Caria, near modern-day Bodrum. It was known for its fortified walls and strategic position guarding the entrance to the Gulf of Güllük. Myndus played a role in various conflicts throughout its history, including the wars between Alexander the Great and the Persian Empire.

Labraunda: Labraunda was an important religious sanctuary located in inland Caria, near the modern village of Kapıkırı. It was dedicated to the Carian deity Zeus Labraundos and served as a center of religious worship and pilgrimage. Labraunda featured a temple, altars, and other religious structures.

Stratonikeia: Stratonikeia was an ancient city located in the valley of the Marsyas River in Caria. It was founded by Antiochus I of the Seleucid Empire and named after his wife Stratonice. Stratonikeia became known for its well-preserved Hellenistic and Roman architecture, including a theater and a monumental city gate.

Here is a comprehensive table of notable settlements in Caria, including their approximate modern-day coordinates and historical population estimates where available:

Settlement NameModern-Day LocationLatitudeLongitudeEstimated Population
HalicarnassusBodrum, Turkey37.0344°N27.4305°E20,000 - 30,000
MiletusNear Balat, Turkey37.5300°N27.2800°E15,000 - 20,000
AlindaNear Karpuzlu, Turkey37.5000°N28.0500°E5,000 - 10,000
StratoniceaEskihisar, Turkey37.3333°N28.2100°E10,000 - 15,000
MyndusGümüslük, Turkey37.0359°N27.2269°E5,000 - 8,000
KnidosNear Datça, Turkey36.6864°N27.3681°E5,000 - 7,000
LabrandaNear Milas, Turkey37.3947°N27.7828°E2,000 - 4,000
CaunusDalyan, Turkey36.8346°N28.6397°E3,000 - 5,000
AphrodisiasGeyre, Turkey37.7076°N28.7235°E10,000 - 15,000
TelmessusFethiye, Turkey36.6211°N29.1166°E4,000 - 6,000
Heracleia by LatmusKapıkırı, Turkey37.4961°N27.4872°E3,000 - 5,000
IasosKıyıkışlacık, Turkey37.2600°N27.5700°E3,000 - 4,000
Antioch on the MaeanderNear Ortaklar, Turkey37.8710°N28.3158°E5,000 - 7,000
CeramusNear Gökova, Turkey37.0513°N28.3279°E2,000 - 3,000
BargasaNear Gökova, Turkey37.0642°N28.3489°E2,000 - 3,000


  1. Coordinates are approximate and based on modern-day cities or locations believed to be near the ancient sites.
  2. Population estimates are based on historical records and archaeological findings, which can vary in accuracy.

Caria was a region of significant strategic and cultural importance in ancient Anatolia, blending Greek and native influences and serving as a crucial point of interaction between different civilizations. The cities in Caria were known for their unique contributions to art, architecture, and commerce【523†source】【524†source】【525†source】【526†source】.


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