Settlements > Alexandrian Settlements

Alexandrian Settlements


Alexander the Great established numerous cities during his conquests, many of which were named Alexandria in his honor. These Alexandrian settlements played a significant role in spreading Greek culture and influence throughout the regions he conquered, contributing to the Hellenistic civilization. Here is an overview of the major Alexandrian settlements:

Here's a comprehensive table of notable settlements founded by Alexander the Great, including their approximate modern-day coordinates, estimated population, and historical satrapy:

Settlement NameModern-Day LocationLatitudeLongitudeEstimated PopulationHistorical Satrapy
Alexandria in EgyptAlexandria, Egypt31.2001°N29.9187°E100,000 - 500,000Egypt
Alexandria ArachosiaKandahar, Afghanistan31.6289°N65.7372°E20,000 - 50,000Arachosia
Alexandria ArianaHerat, Afghanistan34.3496°N62.2040°E20,000 - 50,000Aria
Alexandria BucephalousNear Jhelum, Pakistan32.9312°N73.7283°E10,000 - 30,000Punjab
Alexandria EschateKhujand, Tajikistan40.2804°N69.6452°E10,000 - 30,000Sogdiana
Alexandria in MargianaMerv, Turkmenistan37.6612°N62.1756°E20,000 - 50,000Margiana
Alexandria in SusianaNear Susangerd, Iran31.5636°N48.1894°E20,000 - 50,000Susiana
Alexandria on the IndusUch, Pakistan29.1482°N71.0452°E10,000 - 30,000Sindh
Alexandria in CarmaniaKerman, Iran30.2839°N57.0834°E10,000 - 30,000Carmania
Alexandria ProphthasiaFarah, Afghanistan32.3745°N62.1164°E10,000 - 30,000Drangiana
Alexandria TroasDalyan, Turkey39.8006°N26.1735°E10,000 - 30,000Troad
Alexandria in HyrcaniaNear Bandar-e Torkaman, Iran36.8974°N54.0698°E10,000 - 30,000Hyrcania
Alexandria RhambaciaLas Bela, Pakistan25.0000°N66.6670°E10,000 - 30,000Gedrosia
Alexandria by the CaucasusNear Bagram, Afghanistan34.9464°N69.2642°E10,000 - 30,000Paropamisadae
Alexandria NicaeaNear Jalalpur, Pakistan32.9333°N73.7333°E10,000 - 30,000Punjab
Alexandria in MediaHamadan, Iran34.7975°N48.5146°E20,000 - 50,000Media
Alexandria in ParthiaNear Nishapur, Iran36.2142°N58.7960°E10,000 - 30,000Parthia
Alexandria in BactriaNear Balkh, Afghanistan36.7558°N66.8972°E10,000 - 30,000Bactria
Alexandria in SogdianaNear Samarkand, Uzbekistan39.6270°N66.9745°E10,000 - 30,000Sogdiana
Alexandria in ArachosiaGhazni, Afghanistan33.5553°N68.4205°E10,000 - 30,000Arachosia
Alexandria CharaxNear Basra, Iraq30.4841°N47.8080°E10,000 - 30,000Characene
Alexandria in BabyloniaNear Hillah, Iraq32.5273°N44.4270°E20,000 - 50,000Babylonia
Alexandria on the OxusNear Ai-Khanoum, Afghanistan37.1703°N69.4796°E10,000 - 30,000Bactria
Alexandria in DrangianaNear Zaranj, Afghanistan30.9591°N61.8604°E10,000 - 30,000Drangiana
Alexandria OpianaNear Puli Khumri, Afghanistan35.9446°N68.7147°E10,000 - 30,000Paropamisadae


  1. Coordinates are approximate and based on modern-day cities or locations believed to be near the ancient sites.
  2. Population estimates are based on historical records and archaeological findings, which can vary in accuracy.
  3. Historical satrapy refers to the administrative regions during Alexander the Great's empire.

Key Alexandrian Settlements

  1. Alexandria in Egypt

    • Location: Situated on the Mediterranean coast of Egypt.
    • Founding: Founded by Alexander in 331 BCE.
    • Significance: The most famous of all Alexandrias, it became the capital of Ptolemaic Egypt and a major center of Hellenistic culture, commerce, and learning. The city housed the Great Library of Alexandria and the Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
  2. Alexandria Eschate

    • Location: In modern-day Tajikistan, near the Syr Darya River.
    • Founding: Established in 329 BCE during Alexander's campaign in Central Asia.
    • Significance: Known as "Alexandria the Furthest," it marked the northeasternmost extent of Alexander's empire and served as a military outpost to consolidate his control over the region.
  3. Alexandria in Arachosia

    • Location: Near modern-day Kandahar in Afghanistan.
    • Founding: Founded around 330 BCE.
    • Significance: This settlement helped secure Alexander's control over the region of Arachosia and facilitated trade and cultural exchange between the Greek and local populations.
  4. Alexandria on the Oxus

    • Location: Near the Amu Darya River in modern-day Afghanistan.
    • Founding: Established in 329 BCE.
    • Significance: This city was a strategic military and trade center, ensuring control over the Bactrian region and serving as a base for further expeditions.
  5. Alexandria in Susiana

    • Location: Near the city of Susa in modern-day Iran.
    • Founding: Founded around 331 BCE.
    • Significance: This settlement helped integrate the Persian heartland into Alexander's empire and served as a key administrative center.
  6. Alexandria in Carmania

    • Location: In the region of modern-day Kerman, Iran.
    • Founding: Established in 325 BCE during Alexander's return from India.
    • Significance: The city provided a resting point for Alexander's army and facilitated control over the region of Carmania.
  7. Alexandria in Aria

    • Location: Near modern-day Herat in Afghanistan.
    • Founding: Established in 330 BCE.
    • Significance: This city was strategically located to secure the region of Aria and ensure the safety of the routes between the central parts of the empire and India.
  8. Alexandria Troas

    • Location: Near modern-day Dalyan in Turkey.
    • Founding: Likely founded or significantly developed by Alexander during his campaigns in Asia Minor.
    • Significance: The city served as a major port and gateway between Europe and Asia, contributing to trade and cultural exchange.

Significance of Alexandrian Settlements

  1. Cultural Diffusion:

    • Hellenization: The establishment of these cities facilitated the spread of Greek culture, language, and customs throughout the conquered territories, leading to the Hellenistic civilization's blending of Greek and local elements.
    • Education and Learning: Many Alexandrian cities became centers of learning and culture, with institutions such as libraries, schools, and theaters promoting Greek intellectual and artistic achievements.
  2. Economic Impact:

    • Trade Networks: The cities were strategically located to control trade routes and facilitate the exchange of goods, ideas, and technologies between different parts of Alexander's empire.
    • Economic Integration: The settlements helped integrate the diverse regions of the empire into a coherent economic system, promoting stability and prosperity.
  3. Military and Strategic Importance:

    • Military Bases: Many Alexandrian cities were founded as military outposts to secure newly conquered territories and maintain control over key regions.
    • Administrative Centers: The cities served as administrative hubs, helping to govern and manage the vast territories of Alexander's empire.


Alexander the Great's policy of founding cities named Alexandria was a key aspect of his strategy to consolidate and administer his vast empire. These settlements played a crucial role in spreading Greek culture and influence, fostering economic integration, and ensuring military control over diverse regions. The legacy of these cities endured long after Alexander's death, contributing significantly to the cultural and historical landscape of the Hellenistic world.


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