Cultures > Kingdom of Bithynia

Kingdom of Bithynia


The Kingdom of Bithynia was an ancient Hellenistic kingdom located in the northwest region of Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey), bordered by the Black Sea to the north, the Propontis (Sea of Marmara) to the west, and the regions of Paphlagonia and Galatia to the east. Here’s an overview of its history, culture, and significance:

Historical Overview

  1. Early History:

    • Origins: The region was initially inhabited by the Thracian tribes, including the Bithyni, after whom the kingdom was named.
    • Persian Rule: Bithynia came under Persian control during the reign of Darius I and remained part of the Achaemenid Empire until Alexander the Great's conquests.
  2. Independence and Establishment:

    • Independence from Persia: After Alexander the Great's death in 323 BC, Bithynia gradually gained independence from the Diadochi (the successors of Alexander).
    • Founding Monarch: The first notable king of Bithynia was Bas, who established the dynasty around 297 BC. His successors expanded and solidified the kingdom's power.
  3. Significant Kings:

    • Zipoetes I (c. 326-278 BC): Successfully fought off the Diadochi and established firm control over Bithynia.
    • Nicomedes I (c. 278-255 BC): Founded the city of Nicomedia (modern İzmit), which became the kingdom's capital and a significant cultural and economic center.
    • Prusias I (c. 228-182 BC): Known for his military campaigns and alliances, including his marriage to Apama, daughter of Demetrius II of Macedon.
  4. Roman Influence and Annexation:

    • Conflicts and Diplomacy: Throughout its history, Bithynia often found itself caught between larger powers, including the Seleucid Empire and Rome.
    • End of the Kingdom: The last king, Nicomedes IV, bequeathed the kingdom to Rome in 74 BC, leading to its incorporation into the Roman Empire as the province of Bithynia et Pontus.

Culture and Society

  1. Hellenization:

    • Greek Influence: Bithynia, like many Hellenistic kingdoms, was heavily influenced by Greek culture, evident in its architecture, coinage, and urban planning.
    • Greek Cities: Cities such as Nicomedia, Nicaea (modern İznik), and Chalcedon (modern Kadıköy) were centers of Hellenistic culture and learning.
  2. Economy:

    • Trade and Commerce: Bithynia's strategic location along the Black Sea and the Propontis made it a crucial area for trade and commerce.
    • Agriculture and Resources: The region was fertile, supporting agriculture, and was also rich in natural resources such as timber and minerals.
  3. Religion:

    • Syncretism: The religious landscape of Bithynia was a mix of indigenous beliefs and Greek polytheism. Temples and sanctuaries dedicated to Greek gods were common.
    • Christianity: In later centuries, Bithynia became an important center for early Christianity. It was in Bithynia that Pliny the Younger, as governor, corresponded with Emperor Trajan about the treatment of Christians.


  1. Strategic Importance:

    • Geopolitical Position: Bithynia’s location made it a valuable territory for controlling access between Asia Minor and Europe. Its ports were vital for trade routes across the Black Sea and Mediterranean.
    • Military Stronghold: The region's geography, with its mountainous terrain and fortified cities, made it a defensible stronghold against invasions.
  2. Legacy:

    • Urban Development: Cities like Nicomedia and Nicaea continued to be significant in the Roman and Byzantine periods. Nicomedia was even briefly the capital of the Roman Empire under Diocletian.
    • Cultural Contributions: Bithynia’s Hellenistic heritage left a lasting imprint on the region's architecture, literature, and art.


The Kingdom of Bithynia was a significant Hellenistic state that played a crucial role in the geopolitics of Asia Minor. Its strategic location, rich culture, and eventual incorporation into the Roman Empire highlight its importance in ancient history. Despite its eventual decline, the legacy of Bithynia endured through its cities and cultural contributions to the broader Hellenistic and Roman worlds.

Settlements of Bithynia

Here's a comprehensive table of known ancient settlements in the Kingdom of Bithynia, including their latitude, longitude, year founded, estimated population, and modern location. Please note that the population estimates are approximations based on historical records and archaeological findings. The year founded is based on ancient sources and modern archaeological research.

Ancient SettlementLatitudeLongitudeYear FoundedEstimated Population (Ancient)Modern Location
Nicomedia40.765229.9406c. 264 BC50,000 - 100,000İzmit, Turkey
Nicaea40.424129.7217c. 4th century BC25,000 - 50,000İznik, Turkey
Chalcedon40.991329.0273c. 685 BC10,000 - 20,000Kadıköy, Turkey
Cius40.429129.1444c. 7th century BC10,000 - 15,000Gemlik, Turkey
Prusa (Prusias ad Olympum)40.188529.0614c. 2nd century BC10,000 - 15,000Bursa, Turkey
Apamea Myrlea40.387229.1500c. 4th century BC5,000 - 10,000Mudanya, Turkey
Heraclea Pontica41.175531.4027c. 6th century BC10,000 - 20,000Karadeniz Ereğli, Turkey
Tieion41.892532.5281c. 7th century BC5,000 - 10,000Filyos, Turkey
Libyssa40.746729.9608c. 6th century BC5,000 - 8,000Gebze, Turkey
Astacus40.765229.9406c. 712 BC5,000 - 10,000Near İzmit, Turkey

Hellenistic Cultures

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