Artifacts > La Vraye Histoire du Bon Roy Alixandre

La Vraye Histoire du Bon Roy Alixandre


"La Vraye Histoire du Bon Roy Alixandre" (The True History of the Good King Alexander) is a medieval French manuscript that narrates the legendary and romanticized life of Alexander the Great. This work is part of the broader literary tradition known as the "Alexander Romance," which blends historical events with mythological elements and imaginative storytelling.

Overview of "La Vraye Histoire du Bon Roy Alixandre"

Origins and Authorship

The exact origins and authorship of "La Vraye Histoire du Bon Roy Alixandre" are not well-documented, as is common with many medieval manuscripts. However, it is believed to have been composed in the late Middle Ages, around the 12th to 14th centuries, during a time when the legend of Alexander the Great was highly popular in European literature.

Content and Structure

The manuscript recounts the life and adventures of Alexander the Great, portraying him not only as a great military leader but also as a wise and just king. The narrative includes his conquests, encounters with fantastical creatures, and moral and philosophical reflections.

  1. Early Life and Education:

    • The manuscript often begins with Alexander's birth and early education, highlighting his tutelage under the philosopher Aristotle.
  2. Conquests and Battles:

    • The bulk of the narrative focuses on Alexander's military campaigns, detailing his victories across Asia Minor, Persia, Egypt, and India.
  3. Encounters with the Marvelous:

    • The story includes encounters with mythical creatures such as dragons, giants, and exotic animals. It also describes Alexander's exploration of unknown lands and his search for the Water of Life.
  4. Philosophical and Moral Lessons:

    • Interspersed throughout the narrative are dialogues and letters that convey philosophical teachings and moral lessons, reflecting the medieval interest in the ethical dimensions of leadership and kingship.
  5. Death and Legacy:

    • The manuscript typically concludes with Alexander's death and the subsequent division of his empire among his generals, known as the Diadochi. It often reflects on the impermanence of worldly power and the enduring nature of Alexander's legacy.

Manuscript Tradition and Influence

"La Vraye Histoire du Bon Roy Alixandre" is part of a rich manuscript tradition, with numerous copies and variations circulating throughout medieval Europe. The story of Alexander the Great was adapted and retold in various languages and forms, influencing medieval and Renaissance literature.

Legacy and Modern Scholarship

Today, "La Vraye Histoire du Bon Roy Alixandre" is studied by scholars interested in medieval literature, history, and art. It provides valuable insights into the medieval imagination and the ways in which historical figures were mythologized and adapted to fit contemporary values and interests.

The manuscript remains an important testament to the enduring legacy of Alexander the Great and the fascination he has inspired across cultures and centuries. Its blend of history, legend, and moral reflection continues to captivate readers and researchers alike.


Access and Availability:The full text of "La Vraye Histoire du Bon Roy Alixandre" is available for free on the Internet Archive, where it can be viewed and downloaded. The digital version allows researchers and enthusiasts to explore this historical document in detail, providing access to its rich visual and textual content.

For more detailed exploration, you can access the manuscript here on the Internet Archive【789†source】【790†source】.


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