Artifacts > The Apotheosis of Homer

The Apotheosis of Homer


The Apotheosis of Homer


The Apotheosis of Homer is a celebrated artistic theme that represents the deification or exaltation of the ancient Greek poet Homer. This theme has been explored in various forms of art, most notably in sculpture, painting, and reliefs, and it reflects the high esteem in which Homer was held in antiquity and throughout subsequent cultural periods.

Historical and Artistic Context

  1. Homer's Legacy:

    • Ancient Poet: Homer is traditionally considered the author of the epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey, which are foundational works of ancient Greek literature.
    • Cultural Reverence: In ancient Greece, Homer was revered not only as a poet but also as a cultural icon whose works shaped Greek education, values, and identity.
  2. Concept of Apotheosis:

    • Deification: Apotheosis is the elevation of a human to divine status. In ancient art and literature, this concept was often applied to heroes, emperors, and cultural icons.
    • Symbolic Significance: The apotheosis of Homer symbolizes his eternal and divine contribution to literature and culture.

Notable Examples of "The Apotheosis of Homer"

  1. Relief by Archelaus of Priene:

    • Date: Created around the 3rd century BCE.
    • Description: This marble relief, now housed in the British Museum, depicts Homer being crowned by the personifications of Time and the World. Surrounding him are personifications of various poetic and intellectual virtues, as well as famous poets and thinkers who are honoring him.
    • Significance: This relief exemplifies the high regard for Homer in Hellenistic culture, portraying him as a figure who transcends time and is celebrated by both mortal and divine beings.
  2. Painting by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres:

    • Title: The Apotheosis of Homer
    • Date: Painted in 1827.
    • Description: Ingres’ neoclassical painting shows Homer seated on a throne, being crowned with a laurel wreath by a winged figure representing Victory or Fame. Surrounding him are a host of great figures from classical antiquity and the arts, such as Virgil, Dante, and Raphael.
    • Significance: Ingres’ painting reflects the neoclassical admiration for classical antiquity and the enduring influence of Homer on Western literary and artistic traditions. It celebrates Homer as the ultimate poet whose work is the pinnacle of artistic achievement.
  3. Sculpture by Philippe-Laurent Roland:

    • Title: The Apotheosis of Homer
    • Date: Late 18th century.
    • Description: This sculpture, part of the decoration of the Louvre, depicts Homer being elevated to divine status, emphasizing his deified stature in the pantheon of great cultural figures.
    • Significance: The sculpture highlights the Enlightenment's reverence for classical antiquity and the Enlightenment thinkers' view of Homer as a paragon of literary excellence.

Themes and Interpretations

  1. Exaltation of Literature:

    • Homer as the Ultimate Poet: The theme of the apotheosis of Homer underscores his unparalleled status in the literary world. He is depicted as the supreme poet whose works are timeless and universal.
    • Cultural Impact: These artistic representations emphasize the profound impact of Homer’s works on Western culture, philosophy, and education.
  2. Divine Inspiration:

    • Muse-Inspired Art: Homer is often shown being crowned or honored by divine figures, suggesting that his works were divinely inspired and that he occupies a place between the mortal and the divine.
    • Idealization: The idealization of Homer in these artworks reflects the belief in the transformative power of art and literature, elevating the poet to a near-divine status.
  3. Neoclassical and Romantic Ideals:

    • Neoclassical Reverence: In the neoclassical period, artists like Ingres celebrated classical ideals of beauty, harmony, and greatness, with Homer representing the pinnacle of these ideals.
    • Romantic Admiration: The Romantic era's fascination with genius and creativity also found expression in the apotheosis of Homer, highlighting the enduring legacy of his genius.

Influence and Legacy

  1. Artistic Inspiration:

    • Continued Relevance: The theme of Homer’s apotheosis has inspired numerous artists, writers, and thinkers throughout history, from ancient times to the modern era.
    • Educational Impact: Representations of Homer’s apotheosis have been used in educational contexts to emphasize the importance of classical literature and the cultural heritage of ancient Greece.
  2. Cultural Symbolism:

    • Symbol of Literary Excellence: Homer’s apotheosis serves as a powerful symbol of literary excellence and the enduring impact of great works of literature on human culture and society.
    • Historical Reverence: These artworks reflect the historical reverence for Homer and the recognition of his work as a cornerstone of Western literary tradition.


The apotheosis of Homer is a rich and enduring theme in art that celebrates the legendary poet's elevation to divine status. Through various forms of artistic expression, this theme underscores the immense cultural and literary impact of Homer's works. Whether in ancient reliefs, neoclassical paintings, or Enlightenment sculptures, the apotheosis of Homer symbolizes the timeless and universal influence of his epic poetry, solidifying his place as the ultimate poet and a cultural icon whose legacy continues to inspire.

The Apotheosis of Homer, by Archelaus of Priene. Marble relief, possibly of the 3rd century BC



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