Lamian War > Siege of Lamia

Siege of Lamia

Alexander the Great - Dove DecorationAlexander the Great - Dove Decoration


The Siege of Lamia took place in 322 BCE during the Wars of the Diadochi, the conflicts that erupted among Alexander the Great's generals, known as the Diadochi, after his death in 323 BCE. Lamia was a strategically important city in central Greece, located near Thermopylae, and controlled by the forces of Antipater, one of Alexander's most trusted generals.


After Alexander the Great's death, his empire fragmented, with his generals vying for power and control over various regions. Antipater, as regent of Macedon, controlled much of Greece and faced opposition from other Diadochi, including the Athenians and the Aetolian League. In 323 BCE, Athens declared war on Macedon and formed an alliance with the Aetolian League, a confederation of Greek city-states. The Athenian general Leosthenes led the allied forces against Antipater and his garrison at Lamia.

Alliance Against Macedon:

The Athenians, supported by the Aetolian League, sought to challenge Macedonian hegemony in Greece and establish their own influence. Lamia was a key stronghold controlled by Antipater, and its capture would weaken his position in central Greece. Leosthenes and the allied forces marched to besiege Lamia, aiming to force its surrender and expand their control over the region.

Siege Tactics:

The Athenians and their allies employed traditional siege tactics to besiege Lamia. They surrounded the city with defensive fortifications, including trenches and palisades, to prevent reinforcements from entering or supplies from leaving. The allied forces likely used siege engines, such as battering rams and siege towers, to breach the city walls and undermine its defenses. They also likely engaged in skirmishes with the defenders and attempted to disrupt supply lines.

Defensive Measures:

The garrison at Lamia, commanded by a Macedonian officer named Leonnatus, prepared for the siege by strengthening the city's fortifications and stockpiling supplies. They defended the city walls and repelled several attacks by the besieging forces. Despite facing shortages of food and other provisions, the defenders held out against the besiegers for several months, demonstrating their resilience and determination to resist.


The Siege of Lamia ended inconclusively, with the city remaining under Macedonian control. Despite their initial successes, the Athenians and their allies were unable to capture the city and were forced to lift the siege. However, the siege had significant consequences for both sides. The Athenian general Leosthenes was killed during the fighting, and the allied forces suffered heavy casualties. The failure to capture Lamia undermined their campaign against Macedon and weakened their position in central Greece.


The Siege of Lamia was followed by further conflicts and shifting alliances among the Diadochi. Antipater eventually emerged victorious in Greece and solidified his control over the region. The siege demonstrated the challenges of conducting large-scale military campaigns in Greece and highlighted the resilience of fortified cities like Lamia in withstanding prolonged sieges.


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