Hellenistic Warfare > Seleucid Battles

Seleucid Battles

Alexander the Great - Dove Decoration


The Seleucid Empire, one of the successor states to Alexander the Great's empire, was involved in numerous battles throughout its history as it sought to expand its territory and maintain control over its vast domains. Here are some key Seleucid battles:

Battle of Ipsus (301 BC):

The Battle of Ipsus was a major confrontation between the Seleucid Empire, led by Antigonus I Monophthalmus, and a coalition of his rivals, including Ptolemy, Lysimachus, and Cassander. Antigonus sought to reunify Alexander the Great's empire under his rule, but his ambitions were thwarted when his opponents joined forces against him. The battle resulted in a decisive victory for the coalition, leading to the death of Antigonus and the division of his territories among the victors. Seleucus I Nicator, one of Alexander's former generals, emerged as the ruler of the Seleucid Empire.

Battle of Raphia (217 BC):

The Battle of Raphia was fought between the Seleucid Empire, led by Antiochus III the Great, and the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, ruled by Ptolemy IV Philopator. Antiochus III sought to expand his empire into Egypt, but his invasion was repelled by the Egyptian forces at Raphia near the border between Egypt and Palestine. Despite being outnumbered, the Ptolemaic army, with its superior cavalry and tactics, emerged victorious, securing Egypt's control over its territories.

Battle of Magnesia (190 BC):

The Battle of Magnesia was a decisive conflict between the Seleucid Empire, led by Antiochus III, and the Roman Republic, represented by the Roman consul Lucius Cornelius Scipio and his brother Scipio Africanus. Antiochus III sought to regain control of the territories he had lost to the Romans in Asia Minor, but his forces were defeated by the Romans at Magnesia. The battle marked the beginning of the end for the Seleucid Empire's power in Asia Minor and led to the Treaty of Apamea, in which Antiochus III was forced to cede territory to Rome and pay a heavy indemnity.

Battle of Beth Zur (165 BC):

The Battle of Beth Zur was a clash between the Seleucid forces, led by General Lysias, and the Jewish rebels, led by Judas Maccabeus, during the Maccabean Revolt. The Seleucids sought to suppress the Jewish rebellion and reassert control over Judea, but they were defeated by the Maccabean forces at Beth Zur. The victory at Beth Zur was a significant turning point in the Maccabean Revolt and contributed to the eventual independence of Judea from Seleucid rule. These battles represent just a few examples of the numerous conflicts in which the Seleucid Empire was involved throughout its history.

Naval battles involving the Seleucid Empire‎

Battle of the Eurymedon (190 BC)

Battle of Myonessus

Battles of the Maccabean Revolt‎

Battle of Ancyra

Battle of Antioch (145 BC)

Battle of the Arius

Siege of Bactra

Battle of Cana

Battle of Corupedium

Battle of Ecbatana

Battle of the Harpasus

Battle of Ipsus

Battle of Magnesia

Battle of Panium

Battle of Thermopylae (191 BC)


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