Geography > Pass of Derbent

Pass of Derbent


The Pass of Derbent, Alexander the Great, and the Hellenistic Period


The Pass of Derbent, also known as the Caspian Gates, is a strategically vital location in the city of Derbent, situated in present-day Dagestan, Russia. The pass, positioned between the Caspian Sea and the Caucasus Mountains, has historically served as a crucial gateway between the Eurasian steppes to the north and the civilizations of the Middle East to the south.

Historical Context

Ancient and Early Medieval Periods
Hellenistic Period

Fortifications and Strategic Importance

Hellenistic Influence

Later Periods


The Pass of Derbent, with its strategic position and extensive fortifications, played a crucial role in the military and economic history of the region. While Alexander the Great did not directly influence Derbent, his campaigns brought the strategic importance of the Caucasus and key passes like Derbent into greater focus. The Hellenistic period's legacy of cultural exchange, economic significance, and strategic military planning is evident in the historical significance of the Pass of Derbent.

From Hakluyt

I have traueiled 40 daies iourney beyond the said sea, towards the Oriental India, and C'atiiaia, through (hiiers deserts and wildernesses, and p.issetl lhroiif;ii 5 kini^domes of the Tartars, and all the land of 'I'lirkenian and '/aKalay, and so to the great citieof liogliar in lia( iria, not without great perils and dangers smuiry times. After all this, in An. 1562, 1 j assed againe ouer the Caspain sea another way, and landed in .Armenia, at a (it ic (ailed Derbent, built by Alexander the great, and from thence traueiled through Media, Parthia, Hircania, into Persia...

- The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English nation by Hakluyt, Richard, 1552?-1616;


Hellenistic Geography

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