People > Polybius



Polybius was a Greek historian of the Hellenistic period, born around 200 BCE in Megalopolis, Arcadia. He is best known for his work "The Histories," which covers the period of 264–146 BCE and provides a detailed account of the rise of the Roman Republic and its dominance over the Mediterranean world. Polybius's historical approach and analytical methods have earned him a significant place in the field of historiography.

Early Life and Background

  1. Family and Education:

    • Polybius was born into a prominent family in Megalopolis. His father, Lycortas, was a leading politician and a general of the Achaean League, a confederation of Greek city-states.
    • Polybius received a thorough education in Greek literature, philosophy, and military tactics, which equipped him for his future roles as a statesman and historian.
  2. Political and Military Career:

    • Polybius followed in his father's footsteps, becoming involved in the politics of the Achaean League. He held various military and political positions, including serving as a cavalry commander.
    • He was a staunch supporter of the Achaean League's independence and sought to maintain a balance of power between the Greek states and Rome.

Captivity and Relationship with Rome

  1. Roman Hostage:

    • In 168 BCE, after the defeat of the Macedonian king Perseus at the Battle of Pydna, the Romans took 1,000 Greek hostages, including Polybius, to Rome to ensure the loyalty of the Greek states.
    • Polybius spent 17 years in Rome, where he became closely associated with the Scipionic Circle, an influential group of Roman statesmen and intellectuals.
  2. Influence and Connections:

    • During his time in Rome, Polybius formed a close friendship with Scipio Aemilianus, the adopted grandson of Scipio Africanus. This relationship provided him with access to high-ranking Roman officials and firsthand information about Roman politics and military affairs.
    • His unique position allowed him to observe the inner workings of the Roman Republic, which significantly influenced his historical writing.

The Histories

  1. Scope and Purpose:

    • Polybius's main work, "The Histories," originally comprised 40 books, of which only the first five books have survived in complete form. The work covers the period from 264 BCE to 146 BCE, focusing on the rise of Rome and its domination of the Mediterranean world.
    • Polybius aimed to explain how and why the Romans were able to achieve such unprecedented success and to provide lessons for future statesmen and leaders.
  2. Historical Methodology:

    • Polybius is noted for his rigorous and analytical approach to history. He emphasized the importance of eyewitness accounts, direct observation, and critical evaluation of sources.
    • He sought to identify underlying causes and principles behind historical events, rather than merely recounting events chronologically. This analytical approach has earned him a reputation as one of the pioneers of scientific historiography.
  3. Political Theory:

    • One of Polybius's most significant contributions is his theory of anacyclosis, or the cycle of political evolution. He proposed that political systems naturally evolve through a cycle of monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy, eventually degenerating into tyranny, oligarchy, and ochlocracy (mob rule), before beginning the cycle anew.
    • Polybius admired the Roman mixed constitution, which he believed combined elements of monarchy (the consuls), aristocracy (the Senate), and democracy (the assemblies), providing stability and preventing the degeneration typical of other political systems.

Legacy and Impact

  1. Influence on Historiography:

    • Polybius's emphasis on causality, critical analysis, and the use of primary sources influenced later historians, including Livy and Plutarch. His methodological rigor set new standards for historical writing.
    • His works provide valuable insights into the political and military history of the Hellenistic period and the rise of Rome.
  2. Political Thought:

    • Polybius's analysis of the Roman constitution and his theory of political cycles influenced later political thinkers, including Machiavelli and Montesquieu. His ideas about the balance of power and mixed government resonate in modern discussions of political science and constitutional theory.
  3. Historical Records:

    • Although many of Polybius's works have been lost, the surviving books and fragments remain crucial sources for understanding the history of the Roman Republic, the Hellenistic world, and the interactions between Greek and Roman cultures.


Polybius was a distinguished historian whose work "The Histories" offers a detailed and analytical account of the rise of the Roman Republic. His emphasis on critical evaluation of sources, causality, and political analysis set new standards for historiography. Polybius's insights into Roman politics and his theory of political cycles have had a lasting impact on historical writing and political thought. His legacy continues to be recognized and studied for its contributions to our understanding of ancient history and the development of historical methodology.


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