People > Antigonus III Doson

Antigonus III Doson


Antigonus III Doson was a significant figure in Hellenistic history, ruling as King of Macedon from 229 BC until his death in 221 BC. His reign is marked by efforts to stabilize and strengthen the Macedonian kingdom, as well as successful military campaigns that reasserted Macedonian influence in Greece. Here is a detailed overview of his life and reign:

Early Life and Background

Ascension to the Throne

Reign and Achievements

Legacy and Impact


Antigonus III Doson was a pivotal figure in the Hellenistic period, known for his efforts to stabilize and strengthen the Macedonian kingdom. His administrative reforms and military successes, particularly his victory at the Battle of Sellasia, reestablished Macedonian dominance in Greece and left a lasting legacy. His reign provided a period of recovery and consolidation that set the stage for his successor, Philip V, to continue building on his achievements.


Plutarch, Life of Demetrius, 46.3, 53.4

Eusebius, Chronicle, 243

Livy xl. 54

Livy xl. 58

Dodson, Aidan & Hilton, Dyan, The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt (2010), p. 279

Plutarch, Life of Aemilius Paullus 8.3

Plutarch, Life of Aemilius Paullus 8.3

Plutarch, Life of Aemilius Paullus 8.3

Eusebius, Chronicle 1.237-8; also Syncellus Chronicle 535.19

Justin, Epitome of the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus 28.3

Plutarch, Life of Aemilius Paullus 8.3

Polybius, Histories 2.69.10

Justin, Epitome of the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus 28.4

Polybius, Histories 2.70.4

Polybius, Histories 2.70.6

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